Art Exhibition 2011

A rare blend
Art Exhibition 2011 at Punjab Arts Council, Chandigarh
January 28 – January 31, 2011
The exhibition was inaugurated by Justice MMS Bedi from the Punjab & Haryana High Court. The works of as many as 28 artists from all across the country were showcased during the exhibition, which was a rare blend of art and photography. Artscapes successfully united artists from different geographical, economical and ethnical backgrounds. The exhibition was a mix of paintings, digital prints, sculptures and photographs. The works were a mélange of figuration and abstractionism; display of sensational colour schemes and exquisite order of formal elements, which made for a unique visual feast. Artists such as Bheem Malhotra, Mahesh Prajapati, Rakesh Bani, Pooja Iranna and Arunkumar HG displayed their works at the show.
Art Critic
Writers, thinkers and artists are emerging as the new cultural harbingers of the city. Art Scapes takes the lead by gathering the connoisseurs and the investor; the critic and the artist; the teacher and the taught on the common platform. Its an altruistic step, fraught with uncertainties but Art Scapes is ready to face testing times with their debut exhibition starting on the 27th of January.
The exhibition unites the artists coming from different geographical, economical and ethnical backgrounds. The common ground is that all the participants are seeking to present something different from the popular trends. More than a score of artists’ works are at display here and the varied media, figuration and abstractionism, display of sensational color schemes and exquisite order of formal elements make for a unique visual treat.
Daniell Conell, Ram Viranjan, Sumedha and Pramod use acrylic instead of oil, while retaining the canvas. The potrait, the figures and nature respectively challenge the dryness of the medium by the lyrical quality of their composition.
The Bengal School boycotted oil in favor of water color and natural pigment. Bheem Malhotra captures the free spirit of nature in his composition in the said medium.
Sanjay Kumar and Anjali Aggarwal mix two or more mediums for their compositions. If the former’s work is remarkable because of its force, boldness & simplicity together, Anjali’s use of acrylic and ink manage to soften the wild with amazing adeptness. Anand Shende uses simple oil pastels to bring about multitude of expressions on the face.
Devyani Krishna’s etchings and Anupam Sud’s prints have always made me wonder at graphic art and the metal and acid bite coming together. Rakesh Bani, Mahesh Prajapati, Rajan Fulari and Ishwar Dayal pursue individual styles that defy classification. They freely explore this endlessly flexible form.
The great tradition of India’s ancient sculpture is an inspiration and a challenge to today’s sculptor. Arun Pandit’s work in bronze conveys the present scenario. Srinivasan and Suresh Kumar look towards traditional sources for inspiration. Prakash Patidhar’s bird and M.S. Rawat’s ape come alive in the cold, solid bronze and wood.
Photography had been meted out step-motherly treatment so far, but it is fast emerging as the noveau visual art. Surinder Dhami captures the moonlit sky and Jatin Gandhi the play of light, proving their mettle and photogenic aptitude in black and white. On the contrary, Vinay Malik and Suraj Mukhi show chromatic brilliance and timely capture of the moment. Dinesh Gaur’s and Sanjay Sharma’s perception of the relationship between nature and machine is simply portrayed in the work on display in this exhibition. Pooja Iranna once more proves her talent here as lens person after establishing her credentials as an eminent painter. Arunkumar H.G., the famous sculptor’s experiment with digital photography on archival paper bring forth the trans-formative thoughts.
Art Scapes has taken the initiative, through exposition of art, to meet the shifting requirements of the professional and aesthetic world of creativity. The objectives and methods employed by them seems to be taking forth art in the right direction.
May the endeavor pay desirable dividends!

Nature has created an affluence of beautiful things around us which appeal to the human mind and touch the human emotions. The entire world is a ‘piece of art’ created by God. Generally considered, Art is a means to express imagination of the mind in different modes. Not only does art arouse the aesthetic feelings but also provides a way for communicating the same. The degree of skill possessed by an artist generally affects his ability to trigger an emotional response and provide new insights. When a person is able to create a work of art which stimulates thoughts and emotions, he becomes an artist. Harmony, balance and rhythm are the default instincts of nature. The imitation of these factors from nature by a person makes him an artist.
Everyone should be able to enjoy his work and achieve happiness. If one is capable to achieve the said target, he can be treated as an artist.